40 github issue template labels
GitHub Workflows for Newbies: Add Labels and Comments to Pull Requests Today I learned how to create a simple GitHub workflow to do the following: add a comment thanking contributors for participating and providing some follow-up details about the process. label it with "stylesheet submission". label it with "invalid" if it appears they did not check off all list items provided in the PR template. Organization issue template and .github labels vs local repo labels ... Hi, In an attempt at setting up default issue templates for a whole organization, I created the required files in a .github repository. The templates are correctly presented when creating an issue in another repo, but there is an issue with labels. Note that the templates have a couple of labels sets (bug vs enhancement, need triage) and that both the .github repo and the repo in which I'm ...
GitHub - github/issue-labeler: An action for automatically labelling issues When you reach a point where you'd like to update your labels and regular expressions and it could cause a conflict with historic issues, simply update your issue template to include issue_labeler_regex_version=2 and create the file .github/labeler-v2.yml. The issue will automatically be matched to the correct set of regular expressions.

Github issue template labels
GitHub Issues: Tagging Best Practices - Save Time! Label Groups. We group labels by color, according to broad themes. Labels are consistent across repositories, except for a few language specific topics. This makes switching between projects easy, since you don't need domain expertise in order to write an issue. New team members can learn the system once, and use it everywhere. Platform How to Export and Import GitHub Issue Labels Between Projects Because this uses the GitHub API, you do need to provide a personal access token. # This script uses the GitHub Labels REST API # # Provide a personal access token that can # access the source and target repositories. # This is how you authorize with the GitHub API. Supported Configuration Options & Common Errors for Issue Forms This will be shown in the issue template chooser interface. Optional Fields. assignees (Array or String): This issue will be automatically assigned to these users. Can be array of usernames or comma-delimited string, e.g. "monalisa,nat" labels (Array or String): This issue will automatically receive these labels upon creation. Can be array of ...
Github issue template labels. Comments in arm templates makes the template invalid - GitHub 1.1.2015 · Comments are allowed in JSON for configuration files. Please implement this feature, it makes no sense to stick to a rigid spec when it's a feature all users of ARM templates want. About issue and pull request templates - GitHub Docs Issue templates are stored on the repository's default branch, in a hidden .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE directory. If you create a template in another branch, it will not be available for collaborators to use. Issue template filenames are not case sensitive, and need a .md extension. Issue templates created with issue forms need a .yml extension. Export/import github labels · GitHub Export/import github labels. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Multiple issue and pull request templates | The GitHub Blog To add multiple issue templates to a repository create an ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ directory in your project root. Within that ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ directory you can create as many issue templates as you need, for example ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bugs.md. To use those issue templates add ?template= and your template name to the new issue URL.
Configuring issue templates for your repository - GitHub Docs Creating issue templates On GitHub.com, navigate to the main page of the repository. Under your repository name, click Settings . In the "Features" section, under "Issues," click Set up templates . Use the Add template drop-down menu, and click on the type of template you'd like to create. Configuring issue templates for your repository - GitHub Enterprise ... Creating issue templates On your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, navigate to the main page of the repository. Under your repository name, click Settings . In the "Features" section, under "Issues," click Set up templates . Use the Add template drop-down menu, and click on the type of template you'd like to create. Label doesn't match template output as it should · Issue ... - github.com When piping a log stream selector to a label matcher that should match the output of a template (even a simple one), the label won't match. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Started Loki (version: 2.5.0) Sent an event to Loki with label test: TRUE; All below queries fail: GitHub - bstarling/gh-labels-template: Simple GitHub issue label generator git clone ` pip install pygithub cd issue-labels-template python create_labels.py The script uses a labels.json input to generate your labels. You can modify this template to use any name/colors you like. A valid labels.json file must be in the same directory prior to running the script.
Issue and Pull Request templates | The GitHub Blog This is the first of many improvements to Issues and Pull Requests that we're working on based on feedback from the community. To add an Issue template to a repository create a file called ISSUE_TEMPLATE in the root directory. A file extension is optional, but Markdown files (.md) are supported. Syntax for issue forms - GitHub Docs You can create custom issue forms by adding a YAML form definition file to the /.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE folder in your repository. If you're new to YAML and want to learn more, see " Learn YAML in Y minutes ." You can define different input types, validations, default assignees, and default labels for your issue forms. A GitHub Pull Request Template for Your Projects It's quite easy to generate a PR template for your project. Simply create a file named PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE and place it one of three locations: The root of your project. .github folder. docs folder. An extension is optional, and GitHub supports Markdown ( .md) files. I've chosen to create a Markdown template so you can use features like ... A GitHub Issue Template for Your Projects - Embedded Artistry Creating an Issue Template for Your Project Similarly to a PR template, it's super easy to setup an issue template for your project. Create a file named ISSUE_TEMPLATE and place it one of three locations: The root of your project .github folder docs folder An extension is optional, and GitHub supports Markdown ( .md ).
Configuring issue templates for your repository - GitHub Docs To automatically set a default issue title, assign the issue to people with read access to the repository, or apply labels to your issue template, enter these details under "Optional additional information." You can also add these details in the issue template with title, labels, or assignees in a YAML frontmatter format.
Github Labels - Britecharts In this document we describe our approach to setting labels to our issues and PRs, along with the PR title prefixes that we apply. Github Labels. We base our labels on three types: status labels; type labels, and; the "other" category. Read on to learn more about them. Status Labels. Show at a glance the progress of each issue; Prefixed ...
Multiple labels from an issue template? - How to use Git and GitHub ... As stated in @nadiajoyce 's response on an earlier topic, comma-separating the list of labels is the way to go. You can also use the issue template graphical editor as described in our documentation. I created an example issue verifying that this feature works in my test repository. avelino October 9, 2020, 2:18pm #5
Usage: Issue and Pull Request templates - Docs - Gitea In the above example, when a user is presented with the list of issues they can submit, this would show as Template Name with the description This template is for testing!.When submitting an issue with the above example, the issue title would be pre-populated with [TEST] while the issue body would be pre-populated with This is the template!.The issue would also be assigned two labels, bug and ...
Get started with GitHub Issue Forms - Beyond Code Every form must include a name, a description that is shown at the template selection for the user and a body element in which the actual inputs are placed. You can also add assignees to the form that will automatically be assigned to the issue as soon as created, as well as labels and a pre-populated title.
ability to preset issue/pr title and label in templates - GitHub When a user uses the template to create a new issue, the title, labels, and assignees will be preselected. Title can be overridden, just as body can today. Users with write access to the repo will be able to modify the label and assignee selections before submitting the issue if they wish.
Managing labels - GitHub Docs On GitHub.com, navigate to the main page of the repository. Under your repository name, click Issues or Pull requests . Above the list of issues or pull requests, click Labels . In the labels list, to the right of the label you want to edit, click Edit. Under "Label name", type a name for your label.

Avery 5160 Label Template Free : Avery 5160 Laser Address White Labels Office Depot - presleycntjqd
German Keyboard, can't type \ or @ [windows?] · Issue #2907 - GitHub 10.7.2014 · (discovered in Atom 0.110.0) I'm on a german keyboard on windows right now, and i can't type characters that would involve the right Alt-Key (Labelled AltGr). The key is detected as Ctrl+Alt which is (as far as i know) more or less correct. This key is involved in these characters and triggers the following actions:
Description templates | GitLab Create an issue template. Create a new Markdown ( .md) file inside the .gitlab/issue_templates/ directory in your repository. To create an issue description template: On the top bar, select Menu > Projects and find your project. On the left sidebar, select Repository . Next to the default branch, select .
Best Practices for Using GitHub Issues - Rewind You can now customize GitHub's default issue templates and add more templates to match your team's preferences. To do this, use the template builder described above or edit template files manually. Issue template files are YAML files that are stored in your repository in the .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE folder:
GitHub - stevemao/github-issue-templates: A collection of GitHub issue ... 10+ templates for you to pick! Find your issue/PR templates, and just grab and go. Inspired by excellent GitHub projects that use issue and pull request templates. Templates here are either copied from or modified based on real projects on GitHub. See also awesome-github-templates for more examples in real projects License
GitLab Issue Templates - Save time and standardise issue reports Issue templates allow the use of quick actions as part of the template. These allow relevant labels to be assigned, so a bug might get the label Bug to be allocated, and any default associated labels; whereas a feature request might be labelled New Feature so it can be distinguished from bugs without needing someone to set the label ...
How to create custom labels for issues on GitHub? On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository. Under your repository name, click Issues or Pull requests. Issues Labels buttonNext to the search field, click Labels. Click New Label to create a new label, or click Edit to edit an existing one. In the text box, type your new label name. Select a color for the label from the color bar.
Supported Configuration Options & Common Errors for Issue Forms This will be shown in the issue template chooser interface. Optional Fields. assignees (Array or String): This issue will be automatically assigned to these users. Can be array of usernames or comma-delimited string, e.g. "monalisa,nat" labels (Array or String): This issue will automatically receive these labels upon creation. Can be array of ...
How to Export and Import GitHub Issue Labels Between Projects Because this uses the GitHub API, you do need to provide a personal access token. # This script uses the GitHub Labels REST API # # Provide a personal access token that can # access the source and target repositories. # This is how you authorize with the GitHub API.
GitHub Issues: Tagging Best Practices - Save Time! Label Groups. We group labels by color, according to broad themes. Labels are consistent across repositories, except for a few language specific topics. This makes switching between projects easy, since you don't need domain expertise in order to write an issue. New team members can learn the system once, and use it everywhere. Platform
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